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The Essential Human Right: Warmth in Canadian Winters

January 17th 2024

As the biting cold of Canadian winters descends upon us, it becomes increasingly apparent that the basic necessity of warmth should be considered a fundamental human right. In a country known for its harsh winters, the frigid temperatures can be life-threatening, especially for those who lack the means to protect   ▸

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Tips for helping Veterans During the Holidays

December 20th 2023

The holiday season is a time of joy, family gatherings, and delicious meals. For veterans, navigating the festive season on a budget can be challenging. Still, it's essential to prioritize nutrition for overall well-being. This blog will explore practical and budget-friendly nutrition tips to help veterans and their families enjoy   ▸

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How to Support Veterans After Remembrance Day

November 20th 2023

Remembrance Day is a solemn occasion to honour and remember the sacrifices made by Canadian veterans. However, our support for these heroes resonates far beyond a single day. The veterans we hold in our hearts each November 11th persist well beyond the echoes of the Last Post. For those seeking   ▸

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Food Security and Its Impact on Mental Health

October 18th 2023

Food Security and Its Impact on Mental Health for Canadian Veterans and First Responders For those who have served their country as veterans or dedicated their lives to protecting their communities as first responders, their challenges don't always end when they leave their duties. Canadian veterans and first responders often confront   ▸

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